Battery Chipsets
Bypassing protection modes at scale, including:
EPROM Emulation
Write Protection/Authenticated Write Protection
Copy Protection
Read Protection
Decrement Counters
Recovering Master Keys and Root Signing Keys, also known as:
Master Authentication Secret
Authority Private Key
Changing Factory Provisioning Bytes
Including Unique 64-bit ROM
Custom ROM ID
1-Wire Emulators
For both standard speed and overdrive speed
Bus powered (only require 1-Wire and Ground, no external power or batteries)
Including authenticator functions (ECDSA, SHA-256, SHA-1, SHA-3, PUF, etc.), etc.
Production Data
Accurate, up-to-date production volumes for 1-Wire chipsets and devices
Battery ID SHA-1
DS2502/DS2704 - SHA-1
DS2703 - SHA-1 With Thermistor
Fuel Gauges SHA-1
DS2776/DS2778 (I2C) - SHA-1 Dual Cell w/Protection
DS2784 - SHA-1 Single Cell w/Protection
Fuel Gauges SHA-256
MAX17320 (+I2C) - SHA-256 2-4 Cells w/Protection
MAX17310 - SHA-256 Single Cell w/Protection
MAX17311/MAX17312 - SHA-256 w/MKDF Single Cell w/Protection
MAX17300 (I2C) - SHA-256 Single Cell
MAX17301/MAX17302 (I2C) - SHA-256 w/MKDF Single Cell w/Protection
MAX17211/MAX17215 - SHA-256 Single Cell/Multi-Cell
MAX17201/MAX17205 (I2C)- SHA-256 Single Cell